
GE-A GEARTOOTH ENCODER High Sensitivity, High Speed, High Accuracy TMR Geartooth Encoders
  • GE-A
Gear Module:Sin/Cos(1Vpp)
Frequency Response(MHz):5VDC±10%
Output signal:0.3 to 1
Operating Temperature(℃):by calibrator
Phase Tolerance(°):
Distance between Mounting Holes(mm):
Mounting Air gap(mm):by calibrator
Mounting Tolerance(mm):
Protection Grade:


The GE-A geartooth encoders are non-contact incremental encoders measuring rotary speed and position in spindles and motors. Based on MultiDimension Technology (MDT)’s unique tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) sensor technology, they detect changes in the magnetic field due to gear movement to achieve high sensitivity, fast response, high accuracy, and high reliability.


Features and Benefits

iconCompatible: Incremental ABZ SignaliconPrecision: High accuracy and high resolution
iconFlexible: Customizable on demandiconReliable: Designed for harsh environment
iconQuick: High response frequencies, suitable for high-speed spindle


iconSpindles and motorsiconCNC machine tools
iconEnergy and power generation systemsiconElevators

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